
What is a Meme?

In simple terms, a Meme (rhymes with team) is what you call those pictures you see on Facebook that have the funny, political or ridiculous sayings on them.  I'll skip [...]

Goodbye Google Search, Hello Bing!

Stop Ruining Search Results! You had a good run Google Search,  but what you display on the 1st page of results these days has become an embarrassment to your past [...]

The Power of Social Media Against Giants

Today I ordered the latest version of Adobe's Dreamweaver (version 6.0) from their website. Like most of us, I've become accustom to buying a number of things from websites. The [...]

And Here Comes Bing

Bing is coming up like a Kentucky Derby contender. Get your websites ready ahead of time. Looking to take charge in the pursuit of the search market, Microsoft is not [...]